Our House of Restoration (OHR) guidelines (abbrv)
Our House of Restoration would like to thank you for choosing us to be a part of your path to recovery. We are a 1-year program and hope your stay with us will be restoring and a fresh start to a new you. Taking the initiative to apply and having the courage to walk through these doors shows your desire to positively engage in your recovery. God has placed you here to give you an opportunity to change your life and to become the woman God intended for you to be. Our policies are in place to help you make the best choices for your life during this time of transformation and restoration. We also pray you will be comfortable here as a resident of Our House of Restoration, Inc.
Our House of Restoration is a Christ Centered Program, which offers the tools needed to live a life of freedom and spiritual awakening in your relationship with Jesus Christ. We understand living in transitional housing can be challenging, overwhelming and emotional at times. However, everyone (whether those who hold a title or your House Sisters), must be treated with love and respect. You must conduct yourself in a respectful manner and behavior. Always remember to focus on your recovery only.
Recovery is a process, not an outcome. Our objective is to see each resident complete the program with a foundation of these qualities and the ability to continue to build on them.
1. A closer relationship with Jesus Christ
2. Hope and faith;
3. Self-management and autonomy
4. Tolerance and forgiveness
5. Restoration and personal growth
6. Peer support and community life;
7. Acceptance and self-awareness;
8. Adaptability and capacity to change; and
9. Dignity and self-esteem
Group living and responsibilities
Group living has been known to be challenging; however, it can be a pleasant and enjoyable experience when everyone takes personal responsibility and abides by the guidelines.
When difficulties arise between two people, they should try to resolve their problems in a loving and caring way. However, if it cannot be resolved amongst themselves then a staff member, NOT another resident should assist them in trying to get to a solution.
Your time should be devoted to working through your own problems, your own goals developing as a person, and developing a personal relationship with God. Please do not try to fix others, keep the focus on you. NO fixing!
Black out period
New residents are required to adhere to a 30-day black out period starting on the day of their arrival. Residents will utilize this time to become acclimated to the program and its structure. Residents are to set up an appointment at View Point to either have medications filled/transferred, make an appointment to meet with the doctor, counselors, and/or make arrangements to attend dual diagnosis groups. Residents will also be set up with our Mental Health Specialist on staff and our Nurse Practitioner.
Each resident must sign in and out upon leaving and entering the house. This is mandatory.
Entry and Program Fees
Required entry fee is $350. Weekly program fees of $175.00 is due by Saturday of each week or biweekly depending on your pay schedule (weekly, biweekly or monthly).
Budgeting Program
All residents are required to invest in their future by applying 15% of their income after fulfilling all financial obligations to OHR into the OHR savings fund. Those who have remained in the program for 12 consecutive months will receive their savings at the time of completion.
Each resident will have scheduled individual sessions with a staff member, to celebrate or identify recovery goals. We are on site and try to create many opportunities to assist you. However, when a situation occurs that requires immediate assistance and we are not on site, please follow the chain of command House manager then the Director to address your issue.
Everyone is required to participate in all community activities and groups (schedule permitting) some will take place weekly, while others will be determined by the staff. These activities will include but are not limited to, church and bible studies at Faith Tabernacle, Celebrate Recovery, MRT classes, Substance Abuse classes, AA/NA meetings, Life Coach and Money Management, Grief Recovery classes, community service events and fundraising activities. Fun activities such bowling, movies, skating, nature trails, etc. will also be offered.
All residents of Our House of Restoration are required to attend at minimum of four support groups weekly. We are committed to providing transportation to 4 meetings. Anything beyond that is based on availability. (Gas, schedules and how many are attending)
In House Groups (counts as a meeting)
Residents are to report to the designated area prepared and on time. All cellphones should remain in your room or be turned off during group time. Residents are expected to be prepared (i.e. worksheets, workbooks, completed assignments, paper, pencil, etc.) The facilitator will inform the resident of the necessary items required.
Residents are required to start seeking employment within their second week of residency. All job searches including those applied for on line must be documented on the job log sheet and the confirmation email is to be forwarded to Ourhouseofrestoration@gmail.com. Please make sure you have all documents required when job searching, such as SS card, picture ID, and birth certificate. If you choose to further your education, you are responsible for making sure you can maintain your financial obligations to Our House of Restoration Inc. If you are employed and you are only getting a few hours per week on a regular basis, you are required to seek additional or other employment.
It is our goal to help you become successful and self-supporting. However, it is ultimately up to you!
We do not provide residents with any types of medication. On occasion we provide funding (if available) for residents to purchase over the counter medication or have prescriptions filled. Residents are responsible for their own medical expenses and prescriptions. All residents are required to have all medications (including OTC) documented on a medication log. This includes medicine type, dosage, frequency, date filled, refills, the current amount of medication present and the next appointment.
We, at Our House of Restoration Inc., understand this is a time for you to work on yourself and who God intended for you to be. While in our program, dating is prohibited. You should concentrate on finding yourself. This is the time in which you learn how to develop a closer relationship with God and yourself.
No intimate or sexual relationships are allowed among current residents of Our House of Restoration Inc.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE YOU TO PROVOKE OR ENGAGE IN ANY VERBAL OR PHYSICAL ALTERCATIONS WITH RESIDENTS OR OTHERS. If you are afraid for your well- being call the police. We must keep everyone’s safety in mind.
Residents who are repeatedly uncooperative, have a bad attitude, do not follow directives, break house rules or policies or fail to apply themselves, will be discharged.
Drugs and alcohol testing
All residents will be subject to random drug and alcohol testing and will comply with tests or search at any time.
There is weekly chore schedule. Each resident is responsible for her assigned chore. It is necessary for all to do their part.
Everyone is responsible for
· Keeping their dishes clean or placed in the dishwasher
· Picking up after themselves (coffee cups left sitting any and everywhere)
· Retrieving personal items left on the porch
· If you spill something wipe it up properly
· Wipe down counters and stove when you cook
· Properly store leftovers (keep pots out of the refrigerator)
· Monitor the expiration dates on your food
· Community cooking means community clean up!
· If someone volunteers to clean please make sure they complete it 100%.
All rooms will remain clean and neat on a daily basis and may be searched at any time. An early appointment is not a justifiable excuse for failing to do so. You are responsible for maintaining all of your personal and storage space. Do not change the temperature on the thermostat, this is the responsibility of the program coordinator. The common area is to be kept clean by all residents.
All money should be kept in your bank account or on a reloadable card. This is for your protection. You will have access to your account weekly. We are not responsible for any lost or stolen money. We advise you to please be responsible.
Residents shall have their own personal music players with headphones. Any music played shall be free of vulgarity and the volume should be at a level that is not distracting or offending to other residents.
Therapeutic leave commitment (TLC)
All activities outside of Our House of Restoration Inc. require prior approval by staff. A TLC request form must be submitted in writing by the Thursday prior to the date of the TLC.
Passes are issued as follows:
After 30 days 4-hour pass (must remain in the immediate area)
60 days 8 hours
90 days 16 hours
120 days 24 hours
150 days 48 hours
Residents are required to abide by the curfew set forth by Our House of Restoration Inc.
Sunday – Thursday 10:00pm
Friday-Saturday 11:30pm
Curfew time can be extended, if you are attending a recovery related event with your sponsor, an approved person in recovery or accompanied by other members of Our House of Restoration Inc. (Conventions, campouts, etc.)
Residents are allowed to have bi weekly (every other weekend) visits if they are in compliance with the guidelines set forth by Our House of Restoration Inc. and they have completed a Therapeutic Visitation form. Visitors must be cleared by Staff.
The following is a summary of the important items you agreed to as it relates to Our House of Restoration Inc. including a copy of the daily schedule:
· You will agree to take job opportunities within reason
· You will fulfill daily household obligations assigned to you
· You will abide by parole and probation requirements set forth by these offices (sign consent form)
· You agree to pay $300 deposit (nonrefundable)
· You agree to pay $150.00 per week to stay in our home, (nonrefundable) Failure to do so could lead to being discharged
· You agree to attend all church functions at Faith Tabernacle for the duration of the program
· You agree to complete all courses in our program in the time frames required
· You agree to a mental health assessment and to follow any treatment plan set forth by the mental health agency or counselor
· You agree to random drug and/or alcohol screenings and room searches
· You agree to be responsible for all your medical needs while living at OHR
· You agree to a 1-month probationary period upon full admission into the program
· You will attend (4) 12 step/spiritual/wellness meetings per week unless otherwise determined by the director
· You will be supportive and encouraging to your sisters in the OHR program
· You understand that you can be discharged, with no refund, if you are repeatedly uncooperative, have a bad attitude, do not follow directives, break house rules or policies, fail to apply yourself, abuse your nap time and/or fail to fulfill assignments
· Disciplinary actions are decided based on the level of the violation which can include; verbal warning, written warning (P.O. will be notified) a behavioral contract or immediate discharge. Noncompliance of a behavioral contract can lead to an immediate discharge
· Drugs/Alcohol/Paraphernalia found in your personal property/person or positive drug screen will result in an immediate discharge
· You agree to have no outside contact for 30 days (Blackout period) unless given permission
· You understand the first 30 days are a probationary period. You can be discharged during this time for any undisclosed reason.